Oh where to start? It might seem like I've been neglecting my little space on the web, but I haven't really. I've just been sick, sick some more, and sick again! I seriously have had every stupid thing going around. Every time I start to get better, BAM, I get something new. Utter insanity! Anyways, here is a page I made for the Memory Nest a couple of weeks ago, well this is a revised version. I made it when I had a really nice high temperature. In my mind it looked amazing. Now I'm not so thrilled with it. So, I tried to improve it a bit. I added some gel medium triangles. I've been wanting to try it for two months and now just felt better enough to try it. I also added some stitching and a few mist splatters. It has a lot more interest in it now. I'm still not 100% happy, but it is a lot better. I might have to do something more with the title. Maybe add some alpha stickers or so...