I love yellow pages. They always make me so happy. I made this for SWAT drill 16 . The layout sketch was a fun one to work with. I stitched the pink cloud and then made another one out of some vellum. At first the cloud was going to be yellow, but I wanted to make it stand out more so pink it was! I also used some weird texture board that I had laying around and I misted it up with yellow, orange, and pink. Normally, I make my pages about the event in the picture. This photo was originally going to tell about my daughter playing in the sprinkler, but it turned out to be more about her expression. So my journaling was more like a little prayer for my daughter then the normal story telling. The twist for the drill was some twine. I used it for the button and I also wanted to use it to stitch the cloud, but I only had yellow and blue twine and that wasn't working well.